Wallpapers: Space Invaders School y Beyonce

Space Invaders School gobierna, aunque Beyonce y sus cocodrilos felices tiene lo suyo también... que por cierto no le gustó mucho a PETA y se fueron tras ella... citando a Beyonce:

"There was a shot where I held an alligator. (It) had (its) mouth taped -- that was my bright idea." Beyoncé added, "He was really cute, but since his mouth was taped, he didn't have any way to defend himself. He was upset, so he peed on me. That was an experience."

En conclusión...

Alligator + Bright Idea + Pee = Experience

Read more from PETA wants Beyoncé Gator-aid removed: http://bit.ly/aFhzJn

Posted via email from WestSideMitras

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